Our ValueStarter Program is designed to assist you and your business in various ways as listed below.

Business Planning

  • Understand the value range of the business
  • Project your business value in the future
  • Plan ways to increase the business’ value
  • set up the business for future success

Starting at $1,500

All prices excluding GST

Cashflow Management

  • Set goal-orientated budgets
  • Focus on increasing sales and income
  • Avoid easy tactics like discounting, which can be dangerous to a business profitability
  • Reduce the cashflow cycle
  • Implement the 22+ cashflow strategies

Starting at $500

Growth Sales

  • Market your business as effectively as some of the top companies in the world, significantly increasing the leads you generate and positioning yourself at the forefront of your Industry.
  • Review the 19 vital areas of marketing
  • Implement the simple changes to marketing campaigns and promotional activities.

$534 per week over 13 weeks

Growth Marketing

  • Turnaround your sales performance
  • discover strategies to  use long-term for ongoing sales growth
  • Review 16 vital areas of sales you must master for super sales performance
  • implement the changes to sales processes and procedures.

$534 per week over 13 weeks

Team & Leadership

  • Become an inspirational leader that helps your team perform at peak levels
  • improve your business, customer retention, profitability and efficiency as a whole
  • Review the 15 vital areas of staging and management
  • Implement simple changes to HR processes and procedures

$534 per week over 13 weeks

All prices excluding GST

Succession Planning

  • understand the direction of the company
  • Determine skills needed
  • Find the Gaps
  • Talk to current team about goals and aspirations
  • Identify the obstacles in moving current staff to the desired roles
  • Confer with everyone involved
  • Stay in contact during the process

Succession planning is not the most difficult part of exiting an organisation but it is one of the most important parts. 

Starting at $750


  • Get access to industry data relevant to your operations
  • Undertake business benchmarking exercise to evaluate operational and financial performance with peers in industry
  • We will provide in-depth analysis on your strengths, weaknesses
  • We will establish a comprehensive roadmap for improving overall business performance.

Starting at $450

Business Start-up

  • We help you prepare for your meeting with Australian Investors and Angel Investors, by helping you develop a more robust business strategy before asking for funding.
  • Our process will increase your negotiation power with Investors, and will make your start-up more valuable at that time.

Areas covered include:

  • Business planning & feasibility
  • Cashflow modelling
  • Information memorandum & pitch deck
  • owner advice

Starting at $750