What is Unleash?

This program will provide you with immediate access to a network of Business Advisors. Having expert advisors means that you could have access to the best-of-breed information from

  • strategic
  • accounting and marketing,
  • HR, QA, WHS
  • venture capital
  • bank financing
  • mergers and acquisitions.

How does it work?

This program is a flexible and relatively inexpensive process. It will provide you with a platform to brainstorm and workshop issues order to install a confidence in your decision making to meet your growth, value improvement and ultimate exit objectives.

The advisor will work one-on-one with you (and if you decide, your other senior managers or stakeholders) in providing you with immediate business advice. They will help you to put in place a set of systems, structure and framework.

What are the Key Elements?

  • Regular meetings are held to discuss your business
  • There will be a set monthly agenda and process
  • Each meeting will focus in-depth on one of the elements in the unleash framework, over and above the set monthly agenda.
  • Each element in the framework is reviewed at least once in a 12 month cycle.
  • During the meeting we will discuss results from the previous period and then, what is needed to be done over the next timeframe.
  • We will brainstorm on strategic high level issues as well as keeping the business accountable on a day to day basis
  • Gain immediate feedback on issues, business development, HR and other services.
  • Create accountability, focus, structure and access to immediate systems and processes,
  • The unleash program gives you the benefit and expertise of a high level employee operation with a low budget. You simply decide the size and nature of the involvement you need.
  • It draws on the skills and knowledge of advisors that have the practical experience.

The Framework

The program provides you a team of experienced advisors that provide the necessary advice, support, strategic input and a sounding board for business owners, whilst keeping the business owners accountable for delivering the overall plan.

Unleash also provides an ongoing comprehensive analysis of the business owner’s business and business life. It identifies and promotes discussion covering the business as a whole, as well as personal and family factors that need to be considered when developing a plan for the future – growing or going.

1. High Level Goals & Strategy

Where are you now?
What do you wish to achieve?
Conduct a high level review of your business and determine what is holding you back.

2. Success Factors & High Performing Business

Determine the success factors of your business and lock in your key strategic goals to achieve success. How do you stand out from the crowd?

3. Score Cards

Review your overall strategic direction and business plan. Examine each success factor and develop key strategies and action plans to achieve these goals. Set KPI’S & measuring systems.

4. Value Gap Analysis

What is the potential future value of the business and what is the value of the business now? We assess value creation opportunities, risks and potential future strategies.

5. Benchmarking Financial Performance

How is the business performing against similar businesses? The report provides an understanding of what is driving success in your industry and how you can apply this to your own business.

6. Business Attractiveness

Discover how attractive your business is to a potential purchaser. Based on worldwide research we score your business and establish a benchmark to improve value. We help develop strategies to improve the attractiveness.

7. Business Readiness

The 22 step audit provides the business with an exit readiness score and a pathway to move forward. It includes exit planning strategies and action plans to ensure a successful transition when required in the future.

8. Personal Readiness

Are the shareholders of the business ready to exit or transition out of the business, when they want to? We assess based on personal, financial and emotional factors and discuss strategies.

9. Value Creation

Based on your goals, we further refine and develop your strategic plan and look at value creation strategies. It includes a review of your current financial health and forecasts.

10. Systems and Processes

Tidy-up your business and develop systems and processes to help you execute your strategy. Build a business that can be scaled, replicated and leveraged.

11. Employee Engagement

Align your employee’s goals and targets with the company and set in play a system to motivate and engage employees through consistent communication and accountability systems.

12. Culture & Sustainability

Ensure the long-term success of your business through continual top-level support and reinforcement. It involves the continuation, encouragement and reinforcement of both culture and systems.

The monthly process and support will be managed by Koos Kruger, who will draw on other business specialists in Business Companion as required based on the needs of Ecoplant Australia.

Key Outcomes of Introducing the Unleash Program

Unleash provides an opportunity for business owners to successfully address, resolve and document key risk, growth, succession, exit and estate planning strategies for their business. The program encourages business owners to think about where they want to take their business now and in the future, and more importantly, how to get there.


  • Improved profitability and business value
  • Accountability and good decision making
  • Exit planning readiness and best practice framework


  • Not feeling alone or uncertain – more confidence
  • Less stress as a result of clear direction
  • Become invigorated, motivated and inspired

Business Companion Portal

Organisations who subscribe to the unleash program will also receive access to the Business Companion portal. The portal provides business owners and their team with the following tools that can be used in running their business:

  1. KPI scorecard
  2. Milestone tracking and project management
  3. Health and Safety
  4. Incident Manager
  5. Document Manager
  6. Policies Manager
  7. Performance Review Manager
  8. Job Descriptions
  9. Staff planning and performance Manager
  10. Company Logos (EG: Client complaints and annual leave forms)

Engagement Process

Upon receipt of your signed acceptance of the terms and conditions outlines in the Engagement Letter, we will commence the unleash program by agreeing and setting the monthly recurring meetings.