• 75% of businesses owners do not have agreement on a proposed business exit strategy or plan, even though 33% are relying on the sale of the business for cash to fund retirement
  • 55% of all business exits are due to death, disability, bankruptcy, receivership, divorce, liquidation or simply closing the doors
  • 34% of retired business owners do not have an adequately funded retirement. Up from 31% in 2010
  • 3 in 10 business listed for sale ends up being sold
  • Only 2% of business owners who sell their business receives an offer which is equal or higher to the value they believed their business was worth
  • Fear of sales as it is not clear as to what life after business ownership will look like
  • How to create financial security from the asset you have built in your business
  • How to maximize the sales value of your business
  • How to deal with potential health issues that are occurring now or that may occur in the future
  • How to best deal with any family members that may work in the business after you sell the business
  • How to deal with retirement or transitioning of a business with multiple owners